PBS Manufacturing can help smaller Make-to-Order Manufacturing companies like ECI track time, costs, and better manage orders in their company.

Many companies, like Dazor Manufacturing Corp, outsource some of their manufacturing processes to other companies. PBS Manufacturing allows them to better manage both their in-house orders as well as outsourced orders.

Companies like ECI need to be able to schedule and collect labor for jobs they are producing. PBS Manufacturing software allows ECI to both schedule and collect labor, and report costs in real-time.

PBS Manufacturing can help smaller Make-to-Order Manufacturing companies like ECI track time, costs, and better manage orders in their company.
ERP Software for the Smaller Manufacturing Company
Manufacturing owners and managers who rely upon their technology investment to help them understand and grow their companies choose Passport Business Solutions™ manufacturing software for its flexibility, sophisticated functionality, and insightful reporting at a more affordable price.
​Choose PBS Manufacturing Software to better manage your operations!
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PBS Manufacturing software is an ERP software solution designed for the smaller manufacturing company. It will provide you with the tools you need to better manage your entire operation, including accurately planning and purchasing material, managing inventory, predicting and tracking product and job costs, scheduling and managing production, and most importantly, helping you get orders shipped to your customers on time!

Software to Reduce Your Inventory
Know the materials you need to execute our manufacturing schedule and when you need them
Know what you have on hand and be able to trust the numbers
Know what materials are on order and when they're due to arrive or be produced
Results in less inventory and a far more efficiient operation.
​"With the new found visibility, we now know exactly what materials we need to bring in and when we need them!" Shonna Cartmell, Purchasing Mgr​
Reduce Your Product Lead-times
Material planning software will help ensure you have the materials you need when you need them
Production scheduling tools help you better schedule and utilize your manufacturing resources
PBS Manufacturing software results in reduced product leadtimes and on-time deliveries
© 2021 by Passport Software, Inc.
​"Our lead times are down to minutes from days!" Bill Allhusen, Engineering Mgr​
Software to help Improve Your Order Flow
Know what you need to be working on at all times with PBS Manufacturing software
See your plant's capacity and anticipate and correct problems before they occur
Know the status of any job in production
PBS Manufacturing software can keep production flowing smoothly
​"We know exactly where any job is on the shop floor. We don't have to go around and find things to see what's going on..." Dave Thibodeau, President​
Know Your Product's Cost
See your actual labor and material costs at any point in the production process
With PBS Manufacturing software, you'll know profitability on a job before it ships
Know which products are profitable and which aren't
PBS Manufacturing software can help you develop more accurate quoting and pricing to improve profitability
​"Updating costs in our old system was a real pain. You have provided us with several options that have made my life so much easier!" John Ulm, Production Manager​